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spiritual direction Training & Resources

I help Spiritual Guides bravely engage their clients and their practices.

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A 6-minute introduction to the Spiritual Direction Learning Lab and free spiritual direction training videos from Scott McRae

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by.

This Learning Lab is much more than a resource for becoming a better Spiritual Directors. It’s for those who want to

  • Accompany clients in an entirely new way

  • Grow a practice that is more self-sustaining and exciting

It’s for spiritual guides who want to bring more of their heart and soul into their sessions and their business. It’s about risking a new creative edge in how you are with clients and how you present yourself to the world.

My full YouTube playlist (a bunch of free training!) on growing a successful Spiritual Direction practice

How I Approach Client Work

  • It’s not about helping clients improve their prayer life, it’s about helping them transform who and how they are in the world.

  • It’s not about being a good listener and caring presence. It’s about listening for the golden threads and actively engaging clients so they weave these threads into a more authentic life.

  • It’s about believing that the more you meet clients with your real and vulnerable self, the more likely they are to get real and vulnerable with themselves and with you.

How I Approach Building a Practice

  • My motto is that you need a "“System, Skills, Spirit, and Sass” to building a growing practice and to be a spiritual director that clients are eager to see!

  • I love the often-ignored business side of spiritual direction. I help you create supportive structures that make your work easier and more effective.

  • I support you taking on the dreaded “marketing issue” so you promote yourself in a way that feels good and exciting.

  • Remember, the world needs what you have to offer!

    Then you have come to the right place! Browse our training resources below…


An intro to the Spiritual Direction Apprenticeship Training Certificate Program



Spiritual Direction Apprenticeship Training

A Certificate Program


(and BEGINNING) Education for Spiritual Directors

Blog & Videos for Spiritual Directors

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Sojourners’ Approach to Spiritual Direction &


About Scott McRae

I’m a spiritual director, teacher of spiritual directors, pastor, chaplain, husband, father, and devoted dog owner.

I help part-time spiritual directors who have too little time and too few clients.

And, I help seasoned spiritual directors add spice to their sessions and go to the next level in their practice.

I have been a spiritual seeker for as long I can remember. My journey has led me into a lot of spiritual adventures and learning:

  • Pastoring a church & campus ministry (both ELCA Lutheran)

  • Becoming a hospital chaplain, pastoral educator & Spiritual Care Department Director

  • Finding a home in spiritual direction and supervision

  • Teaching in three different spiritual direction training programs

  • Starting Sojourners Institute with my wife, Melanie

  • Loving the Enneagram and being a frequent teacher of classes, with an emphasis on its spiritual dimensions

  • Authoring the chapter on spiritual direction in the book Courageous Conversations: The Teaching and Learning of Pastoral Supervision

  • Creating a YouTube Learning Lab Channel that features videos on Spiritual Direction and on the Enneagram

I live in Minneapolis with Melanie (who does similar work: hospice bereavement counselor and chaplain, spiritual direction, and yoga teaching). We have a wonderful daughter, Ana, who is a social worker, and three fine rescue dogs (Pearlie, Charlie, and Winnie). I’m a really lucky person!

I invite you to check out my offerings. Please contact me with comments or questions. I’d love to hear from you!